Collection: Huoji milk tea

The technique of making Hong Kong-style milk tea is an intangible cultural heritage

As you can imagine, it is not easy to make a cup of authentic Hong Kong-style milk tea. Faced with the huge demand for milk tea from Hong Kong people, many tea restaurants will use various methods, such as simplifying the tea-making process or making tea in advance, to achieve this goal. There is an uninterrupted supply of milk tea, but another problem arises. It is difficult to control the quality of milk tea. Some restaurants even use inferior tea leaves for cost reasons to increase profits. In fact, Hong Kong people want to drink an authentic and good cup every day. Drinking Hong Kong-style milk tea is really not an easy task.

Huoji Milk Tea Hong Kong-style milk tea is made from a blend of five high-quality Sri Lankan and Indian black tea leaves. The tea has a rich and fragrant flavor. It uses a novel stewing and roasting method to bring the tea-making craftsmanship of tea restaurants back to your home, ensuring a consistent tea flavor cup after cup. They are all of such high quality that anyone can have a cup of high-quality authentic Hong Kong-style milk tea anytime!

From now on, you can contact your home office or Office to make friends ~ Milk Tea


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